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Issues » 2009/1 - Community Planning »

Rapid Changes in Social Work Practice in the United States: The Importance of a Multifaceted Educational Approach to Meet These Changing Issues

Thomas Chalmers McLaughlin

This paper explores the rapid changes in social work practice among people with mental health and substance abuse issues in the United States. As the field of practice changes within these two areas, there is a strong need for social work practitioners to have a wellrounded person in the environment orientation to working with clients and families. This study explores the perceptions of social workers on preparedness to practice in four areas of social work which have experienced the greatest changes during the past five years. The results suggest that social work practitioners who have a strong foundation in practice from an empowerment-based person in the environment perspective feel they are well prepared to practice in these four areas. Several key concepts and recommendations for social work education conclude the article.

workforce, social work practice, changes in practice, multifaceted approach, United States, mental health, substance abuse

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