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Issues » 2008/1 - Social Work with People with Mental Illnesses »

Social worker in community mental health care and his/her education needs

Václava Probstová

The paper emphasises the need for systematic continuous education for the work of social workers and for the development of community care of the target group of people with longterm mental illness. In introduction it describes some aspects of the current situation of social workers dealing with people with mental illness in the Czech Republic. Further the paper provides some conclusions from the PSYCHO_RESCUE project (supported from the Leonardo programme) defining and developing professional training and education tools according with the needs of workers in mental health care community settings. According to the author, the proposed by the project List of community worker working functions can serve as a basis for educating social workers in the Czech Republic.

social worker, community mental health care, people with severe mental illness, list of working function, education tools

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