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Issues » 2010/4 - Social Work and People with Special Needs »

Social and Institutional Environment in the Process of Social Integration of Migrants in the Czech Republic

Hana Pořízková, Miroslava Rákoczyová

In this paper we deal with influence of social and institutional milieu, its expectations as well as support, on the process of social integration of foreigners in the Czech Republic. We use the findings about importance of environment for social functioning of individuals and apply the concept of life situation and social functioning on problems of social integration of migrants living in the Czech Republic. Based on interviews with various stakeholders in the process of social integration and analysis of relevant documents, we identify social and institutional sources of the support of integration and reveal its diverse functions. Among others we pay attention to one of the problems faced up by helping professions, which is maintenance and deepening of clients’ dependency as a consequence of unbalanced support and malfunction of empowerment provision.

life situation, social functioning, social integration, migrant

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