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Issues » 2012/4 - Social Work and Intergenerational Solidarity »

Direct Payments in the Context of a Vague Status of Informal Care

Olga Hubíková

The main of this paper is to open a discussion on the possible consequences of the introduction of the system of direct payments for care was introduced in the Czech Republic without sufficient understanding of its context and adequate consensus about the nature and the function of the direct payments on the part of both policy makers and front-line workers of the direct payments agenda. The essential part of the problem is that despite the fact that direct payments are in the Czech Republic used in more than three quarters cases for informal care provided mainly by the close relatives, the substance and context of informal care has not been here comprehended enough yet. The status of an informal caregiver has not beet established correspondingly – neither in the discursive nor in the socioeconomic and legal way. While in many countries, where direct payments were also introduced, decades of debates had preceded this introduction, which had helped to develop and clarify their context, in this proces is still due to start in the Czech Republic.

informal caregiver, direct payments, intrafamilial reciprocity, intragenerational solidarity

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