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Issues » 2013/4 - Civil Society and Social Work »

Difficult Life Situation Coping Tactics in the Context of Homelessness

Eliška Lindovská

The article’s focus is on answering the following question: Do current housing models in the context of social work reflect diversity of life situations and their coping tactics? With the use of Paugam’s social disqualification phases, the “European Typology of Homelessness and Housing Exclusion”, which defines main categories of people excluded from housing and homeless people, is changed. Afterwards, there are coping tactics related to poverty, described: from the situation denial, using the “avoidance”; through the situation acceptance, using “positive” and “passive adaptation”, “instrumentalization of situation”, “deserving poor” and “discrediting of others” mechanisms; or conversely through situation rejection when defensive coping tactics are activated; up to total social disintegration, in its extreme form of “intentional exclusion”. A new typology of coping tactics of people excluded from housing or homeless people, is created, in order to provide better understanding of actions of people with housing issues. The last part of the article focuses on two main supported housing models, “Housing ready” and “Housing First” and discusses their usage while taking into consideration difficult life situation coping tactics of homeless people.

homelessness, social disqualification, coping tactics, „Housing ready“, „Housing First“

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