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Issues » 2015/4 - Clinical Social Work »

Experiencing of Loneliness of Substance Addicted Clients

Ján Kahan, Eva Žiaková

In the present work the authors focus on the mingling of the phenomena of loneliness and dependence, with an emphasis on the perspective of abstinence. The theoretical part aims at grasping the terms and ideas of the concept of loneliness with narrow-related constructs. The made quantitative research relating to the theoretical concepts of loneliness and addiction was aimed to contribute to the clarification of the relationship between these phenomena. Loneliness in the empirical part was grasped and operated on through two different constructs, social support and social incorporation. The research with the sample of 190 respondents was focused on determination of statistically significant differences in defined constructs between hospitalized and abstaining addicts. A statistical analysis also verified hypotheses about significance of relations between determined constructs and breach of abstinence. The research unambiguously showed statistically significant differences in the tested criteria of compared groups of addicted respondents with the conclusion that abstaining clients attending psychotherapy and self-help groups feel less lonely than currently hospitalized clients. Clinical practice of social workers require a high degree of professional level and ability of empathy and judiciously use a variety of therapeutic interventions in the process of treatment, after-treatment and prevention of lapse/relapse.

loneliness, substance addiction, abstinence, lapse/relapse, social work

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