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ERIS Journal - Winter 2021 - Forced Migration and Minority Groups

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Manuscript submission deadline: August 10th to

Forced Migration and Vulnerable Groups

We invite articles on the topic of forced migration, with a specific focus on the experience of vulnerable groups, together with transformative possibilities offered by social work practitioners, researchers and educators. The social work profession has a civic responsibility to give social and political voice to issues of forced migration from the perspective of refugees from marginalised and minority backgrounds. Migration is not just a young, male, social phenomena. Asylum seekers, displaced persons and forced migrants reflect all social minorities. Forced migration and displacement intersects with categories of inequality, including gender, race, religion, sexual preference, abilities, class and caste, creating a double jeopardy situation of interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.

We are looking forward to academic papers that reflect this theme using a theoretical, methodological or practical viewpoint. Possible topics of this special issue can be but are not limited to the following:

  • Highlighting the experience of border mobilities and cultural encounters for marginalised migrant groups
  • Intersectionality between forced migration and other categories of inequality, discrimination and disadvantage
  • Exposing populist myths on forced refugee migration and displacement
  • Contextualising the experiences of vulnerable migrant groups over the life-course
  • Challenging the problematisation of forced migrants and the conditionality of social acceptance and inclusion
  • Critiquing the aims and models of integration, inclusion and resettlement
  • Culture, critical reflection and radical practices
  • Positioning of migrant minorities in society
  • Equality, equity and social justice for migrant minority groups

Manuscripts are to be submitted as academic articles in the range of about 7,000 words (including its title, biography and contacts, abstracts, keywords, the main body, list of references and sources, explanatory notes). See the website for further details on the format ( and instructions for authors (

We are also looking for book reviews and research notes related to the topic of this special issue.

Book review: Please see for review requirements. The review should be no longer than 2,000 words. Reviews must contain the bibliographic data on the book (e.g. Paul Michael Garrett: Welfare Words: Critical Social Work and Social Policy. London: Sage, 2018) and the name of the review author along with the contact.

Research Note is a short text (1,000 – 1,500 words) about research activities in your faculty or department, an interesting dissertation thesis or research project you are involved in.

The deadline for submitting full papers from potential authors is August 10th, 2020. The publication date is February 2021.

Two copies of the manuscript should be submitted to the editor’s office: One copy should be free of any information which would lead to the identification of the author/s. We suggest that authors substitute any of their own publications in the text with (author’s own, year) and remove all their own publications from the list of References at the end. The other copy should be a complete version of the article with the complete references.

For more information, please contact administrator of academic papers (


Prof. Dr. Janet Carter Anand, University of Eastern Finland, Finland

Prof. Dr. Stefan Borrmann, University of Applied Sciences at Landshut, Germany

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