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Rodina: Transformace - podoba - hrozby - podpora

Jménem organizačního výboru mezinárodní konference zaměřené na problematiku rodiny v současné společnosti si Vás dovolujeme pozvat na konferenci Rodina: Transformace - podoba - hrozby - podpora, která se koná v Rzeszově (Řešovská univerzita, Polsko) dne 31. května 2016. 
Termín přihlášek a abstraktů: 10. března 2016.
Vce informací v anglickém jazyce naleznete na webu ZDE.
Informace v polském jazyce ZDE.
International Scientific Conference Family: Transformation - Image - Threat - Support Rzeszow, 31 may 2016. The aim of the conference is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for exchanging ideas on the family. Desiring to initiate a discussion on this topic are welcome to attend the conference: sociologists , social workers, psychologists and other scientists interested in the subject. Participants from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Ukraine and Germany are welcomed.
Topics of the conference:
1. The family as a value
2. Transformation of the family model
3. The diversity of married and family life
4. The dysfunction of family life
5. The problems of the modern family
6. Family and the labor market , labor migration
7. The family of a disabled person
8. Forms of Family Support
9. Social Work with family
The papers will be published in the monograph.
University of Rzeszow - Department of Sociology and History Institute of Sociology, Department of Sociology Social Problems, University of Warsaw - Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Rehabilitation, Institute of Applied Social Sciences, Studies Department of Family and Social Pathology, Sociology of the Family Section of the Polish, Sociological Association, The Foundation for Solving Social Problems "Societatis".
prof. Dr hab. Beata Szluz
Deputy Chair of the Conference Scientific Committee

Kontaktní e-mail: pavel.pesat@ujep.cz

Vloženo: 10.2.2016 10:01

zpět na přehled

Nabídka nových knih

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