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Issues » 2017/5 - Therapy in Social Work? »

Self-care in Social Work as an Inspiration for Emerging Area of Oncological Social Work

Katarína Šiňanská, Agnesa Kočišová

The paper defines the oncological social work as a challenging helping profession. It draws the attention to the existence of the negative effects related to the work of the social workers and it underlines the prevention possibilities. The authors characterize the concept of self-care and discuss the possibilities of prevention of the negative effects. The research was focused on the determining of the level of executed self-care within a group of one hundred respondents – social workers, working in the different types of organisations. The data were collected via validated questionnaires; so called Questionnaire on self-regulation in self-care, which comes from the original, equally named questionnaire written by Lovaš (2015).

helping professions, oncology, social work, prevention activities, self-care

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